The 10th BIU Winter School on Cryptography Sponsored by PlatON Showcases the Latest Information Theoretic Cryptography in Tel Aviv
On Feb.17, 2020, PlatON announced that it will be sponsoring the 10th BIU Winter School on Cryptography, the world’s largest winter school on cryptography.
The 10th BIU Winter School on Cryptography will be held in Tel Aviv, Israel, from Feb,17 to Feb. 20, 2020, and has been organized in collaboration with Benny Applebaum, The School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Carmit Hazay, Faculty of Enginerring, Bar-Ilan University and Benny Pinkas, Department of Computer Science, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
This winter school will study the theory of information-theoretic cryptography, covering topics including private-information retrieval, secret sharing and conditional disclosure of secrets, consensus, and secure multi-party protocols. Open to graduate students and postdocs in cryptography, all faculty, undergrads and professionals with the necessary background, this program aims at achieving security in the presence of computationally unbounded adversaries, covering a wide array of topics at the intersection of cryptography, coding theory, information-theory and theory of computation.
From the very beginning, PlatON has been dedicated to the research and development of cryptography, and facilitating the privacy-preserving computation. We keep moving on being the top player in safeguarding the data privacy of all individuals and entrepreneurs by leveraging blockchain and our leading cryptographic algorithms. Having previously sponsored and co-organized world’s top academic cryptography conferences and winter schools, such as IACR Crypto, Eurocrypt, Asiacrypt, ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security (CCS), Crypto Innovation School 2018 (CIS2018), Crypto Innovation School 2019 (CIS2019), encouraging the education and engagement of cryptography is one of the key focus at PlatON.
As one sponsor of this program, PlatON will work with the 10th BIU Winter School to facilitate the influence and application of cryptography.
About BIU Winter School on Cryptography
BIU Winter School on Cryptography, hosted by the BIU (Bar-IIan University) Center for Research in Applied Cryptography and Cyber Security, is the world’s largest winter school on cryptography. This program is designed to teach the topic from its basics up to the latest research. The target audience for the school is graduate student and postdocs in cryptography, who have surely taken at least one university-level course in cryptography.
About PlatON
PlatON is a blockchain-based infrastructure for the future-oriented privacy computation and distributed economy. It aims to facilitate secure, seamless, and open data sharing for the public good with the combination of blockchain and leading cryptographic technologies. Through its Privacy-Preserving Computation (PPC), PlatON breaks down data silos and enables secure data exchange and collaborative computing for both individuals and enterprise users. With its open-source data marketplace, PlatON supports and incentivises individuals and businesses looking to both monetize and utilize data resources. PlatON addresses limitations in scalability and security by way of Verifiable Computation and privacy-preserving encryption capabilities, currently enabling real-world usability across a variety of global industries, including advertising, healthcare data management, IoT and decentralized AI, financial services, as well as key management systems.